
The Process Of Checking Sample


After molds finishing machining, fitting parting line, […]

After molds finishing machining, fitting parting line, and final assembling, it steps into the testing procedure. To a new mold, the first mold testing is very important. By means of a complete testing procedure, we can evaluate if the mold function works well including the injection system, ejection system, and side cores system, etc.

During testing, the plastic parts are samples. With proper injection parameters, we can evaluate the quality of samples and mold. Before sending samples to our customers, we will do a checklist firstly and clear all things, then sent to our customers, which can get satisfaction from our customers.


Checklist of mold:

1) Is mold clean? 

2) Is the mold faces free from corrosion?

3) Are mold dimensions correct as designed? Record the actual dimensions.

4) Is the material of the mold component correct as designed?

5) Is the hardness of the mold component correct as designed?

6) Does the injection system move full stroke at injection and ejection directions?

7) Is the ejection pressure without part OK as the customer request?

8) Is the ejection pressure with part OK as the customer request?

9) Does ejection have noise when moving?

10) Does lifter have anti-rotation?

11) Is lifter shaft rod in good location and guidance?

12) Does the parting line fit well?

13) Does the parting line protection plate fitting well?

14) Does the angle location plate fitting well?

15) Are wear plates present on the sides?

16) Does slide work incorrect position of injection and ejection direction?

17) Do angle pins have anti-rotation?

18) Is the guide pin long enough to protect inside of mold?

19) Is one guide pin in offset?

20) Is there adequate venting on the mold?

21) Do handling holes realized on all mold plates as designed?

22) Does the mold lifting square?

23) Does the cooling system work well as designed?

24) Does the hydraulic system work well if applicable?

25) Does the injection system work well? Hot runner drawings are available if applicable?

26) Is clamping force correct as designed?

27) Are water and oil circuits (if applicable) identifications clearly marked with a number and IN/OUT?

28) Are water connections correct and in position as designed?

29) Are oil connections correct and in position as designed?

30) Are electrical connections correct and in position as designed?

31) Is mold identification plates present on the mold?

32) Are all wires protected and enclosed according to customer standard?


Checklist of the sample(plastic parts):

1) Is the gate position correct?

2) Are gating filling balanced for multi-cavities mold?

3) Are gating filling balanced in one part?

4) Is gating jetting?

5) Is part free of flash?

6) Is part free of distortion during ejection?

7) Is the part free from ejector pin marks?

8) Is part free of damage?

9) Is there a mismatch on a part?

10) Is polishing on the cavity surface OK?

11) Is polishing on ribs Ok?

12) Is polishing on the core surface OK?

13) Is part weight intolerance?

14) Does the part have short molding?

15) Are flow lines or weld lines acceptable?

16) Are sink marks acceptable?

17) Is part gassing?

18) Is part of sticking on the cavity side?

19) Is the wall thickness of the part correct?

20) Does part has contamination?

21) Is marking present on part as per customer request?

22) Are part's dimensions correct as per part drawing/3D data? Is part measurement report available?


Only all points are finished after checking, we will send samples to our customers for confirmation. 

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